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Field Notes

Recap: 2024 Annual Conference

The Olmsted Network recently hosted our 2024 Annual Conference in New York’s Hudson River Valley. Landscape tours included Olana State Historic Site, Downing Park, Vassar College, Hudson River State Hospital and Springside National Historic Landmark.
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Olmsted Linear Park playground gets a new look  

In Atlanta, GA, Springdale Park receives playground and stormwater improvements.
Field Notes

Recap: 2024 Annual Conference

The Olmsted Network recently hosted our 2024 Annual Conference in New York’s Hudson River Valley. Landscape tours included Olana State Historic Site, Downing Park, Vassar College, Hudson River State Hospital and Springside National Historic Landmark.
Field Notes

Students plant roots in Newburgh, NY’s Downing Park 

Made for the Olmsted Network’s 2024 Annual Conference, a video by Timeline Productions celebrates the partnership between the local garden club and sophomores at Newburgh Free Academy-West.
In Memoriam

In Memoriam: Natalie Hammock Sweat 

The Olmsted Network mourns the loss of Atlantan and Olmsted champion Tally Sweat.
Field Notes

A New Fight for Sunlight

A proposed 14-story building threatens to put the Brooklyn Botanical Garden's plants and greenhouses in the shade.
Field Notes

The Capitol’s Original Olmsted Trees

In this republished blog, the Architect of the Capitol celebrates the history of tree planting and tree preservation at the U.S. Capitol Grounds by highlighting some of the oldest trees on the grounds.
Field Notes

A Farewell to Anderson Park’s Olmsted Oak

In a violent storm, Anderson Park in New Jersey lost its elder statesman— a giant white oak that had been there since before the park opened.
Personal Reflections

A visit to Buttonwood Park

Come along as Mark Roessler, our communications specialist, visits Buttonwood Park in New Bedford, MA.
Conferences & Events

Winner named in Downing Park Art Contest

Daniela, a sophomore at Newburgh Free Academy-West, will have her artwork of Downing Park in Newburgh, NY, displayed on our 2024 annual conference materials.

Focus on...Boston's Franklin Park

Olmsted’s treasured Emerald Necklace under siege

The Emerald Necklace is a great system of parks designed by famed landscape architect Frederick Law Olmsted. It is a world-renowned treasure and national asset whose restorative spaces have been serving Bostonians and diverse visitors for over 100 years. It is a Boston landmark and listed on the National Register of Historic Places.   But day in […]

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Privatization of Our Parks Is A Real Danger

Thanks to Frederick Law Olmsted, public parks are one of America’s defining democratic achievements. As places open to all, they benefit communities and families in numerous ways. Tens of millions of Americans have relied on parks as gathering, recreation and restoration sites since the pandemic. And that has never been truer than in Boston’s Emerald Necklace.  […]

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Franklin Park Action Plan: Restoring Olmsted’s Forgotten Haven

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Olmsted & Friends

This series of interviews highlights the people who have long championed Olmsted and the Olmsted Network.

Olmsted & Friends Interviews

Olmsted and Friends: Meet Sara Cedar Miller

Sara Cedar Miller retired from Central Park Conservancy in June after 40 years as a photographer and historian.
Olmsted & Friends Interviews

Olmsted and Friends: Meet Tupper Thomas

Meet Tupper Thomas, former head of Prospect Park Alliance and Park Administrator.
Olmsted & Friends Interviews

Olmsted and Friends: Meet Parker Andes 

In March 2024, Parker Andes retired from Biltmore after 24 years of service. As the Director of Horticulture, Andes managed the estate’s immaculate grounds and championed Olmsted’s original design intent across the property.

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